A Meditation guide for Manifesting your Dreams

 Meditation for Manifesting

I don't believe in magic. But I believe in the power of positive intention. And I also believe that this will help make your dreams come true if you commit to achieving a goal and consistently seek ways to achieve that goal and when you signal that the world will support you in doing so to achieve this.

Today I would like to offer a powerful meditation. It comes from one of my favorite books, Into the Magic Shop. Written by James Doty, a recognized neuroscientist from Stanford University, it tells the story of an underprivileged Orange County boy who unexpectedly learns to meditate. 

In particular, he learned how to manifest dreams that he can hardly believe are financially and professionally possible. But over time, every goal he sets in the book and in this boy's real-life comes true.

Today I am going to share with you how you can do this for yourself. If you can, try for 20 minutes twice a day. I cannot guarantee this will work. But I believe it gets you into the mindset of success. In time, you will truly believe that you can accomplish whatever reasonable goal you have set for yourself. 

This meditation also guides you to constantly look for ways to achieve your goals and signals that you are on the right track. This alone will greatly increase your chances of success - for you will believe that the world is helping you achieve your goals. This optimism will open the way for success.

So let’s begin:

Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground, head pointing up to the sky or ceiling.

Close your eyes.

Stage One: Relax 

The first step of this meditation is to relax your entire body, body part by body part. Start with the top of your head and relax this area, then focus on your forehead and relax this section, from the front of your head to the back and the middle, too, if you can. 

Then move down to your eyes, relax everything here, then your nose, below your nose, and your lips. Step by step focus on each area and relax all of the muscles you can.

You can do both arms at the same time and your legs too. Finally, relax your entire feet, from the top near your ankle all the way down to your toes.

Then scan your entire body down and up and down again, relaxing any tense areas. This should take about five minutes.

Stage Two: Focus 

Next, let’s go back to the mindfulness meditation we did last month. Focus your attention on the sensation of the breath as it comes in and comes out of your nostrils. 
  • What do you feel? 
  • What do you notice? 
Breath in and out of your nostrils normally but focus your mind, with alertness on all of the sensations you feel as the breath comes in and out of the nostrils. This should take around five minutes.

Stage Three: Open Your Heart

Because this is such a powerful meditation, we want to make sure your goals are promoting good in the world and not evil! So for five minutes repeat silently to yourself, in your mind's eye, “My heart is open. I open my heart. I am good, I do good and I am loved.” 

You can adapt this to some other phrases if they feel more natural to you, too. Some examples from the book are, “I am worthy. I am cared for. I care for others. I love myself. I love others.”

This may feel a bit 'out there,’ but Dr. Doty writes that meditating with these phrases actually changes the physiology of our body.  When we do this type of heart-opening meditation, which helps us feel more calm, open, and relaxed, the tone of our vagus nerve actually increases, and we activate the parasympathetic nervous system which, as Doty writes, “stimulates our rest-and-digest response.” 

This helps us be more focused,  calmer and boosts our immune system. It’s a stark contrast to how our body responds to stress, which decreases the vagus nerve tone and increases our blood pressure and heart rate. Do this meditation for five minutes, too.

Stage Four: Manifest

Now we are ready to manifest. I suggest starting with a goal or two, but you can work your way up to ten, even up to ten!

Your goals can be to raise more money for your start-up, pursue the career you always dreamed of, fall in love, get along better with your team - whatever you want!

Let's start with your first goal. With your eyes closed and still in meditation, imagine what your life would be like if this goal had already been achieved. What do you see when your eyes have been open like you and that goal has been achieved? Which colors? Which forms? Where are they? What are you wearing, what do you smell, who is with you? Keep doing. It can be difficult at first. 

You may just see shapes or shades of color. But over time and over days, weeks, and months the details will complement each other. See from your eyes as much as possible what your life looks like when you have this dream manifested.

After five minutes of your first dream, you can move on to the second.

Meditation for Manifesting love

There are specific meditations for love manifesting. You can use these exercises to attract someone special. Use these meditations to attract love so you can enjoy the perfect relationship.

Let me share with you my favorite meditation to attract the one you love. Then I will share six more powerful meditations for love. 

Meditation For Love Script. 

  1. What we want to achieve when using meditation for love is to overcome negative feelings about relationships. We want to get rid of any anger and hostility that we might be feeling. We need to reconnect with the living moment. And from there, we want to open the heart to be receptive to affection, devotion, and endearment. Here is how to do it.
  2. Start by sitting in a meditation chair (or any comfortable chair). Place your feet at shoulder-width apart. This will help you to feel grounded, which is important when using meditation for love. Now make sure your butt is comfortable on the chair. Let your spine be elongated just a little. Tuck your chin towards your chest so as to gently lengthen your neck. Roll your shoulders back. Gently sway your head from side to side to relax your neck. Now sit with good posture.
  3. For this meditation we want to use a mudra for love.  Mudras are hand gestures used in Buddhism, Hinduism and yoga. They activate acupressure points to stimulate certain qualities of mind. Yogapedia states that the best mudra for love is the Lotus Mudra, which is used to open the Heart Chakra. To do this, hold your hands together in prayer. Now curl both hands outwards, while holding the thumbs and little fingers together. Your hands will look like a flower opening. 
  4. Breathe in through your nose and observe your breath moving through your body down into your diaphragm. Watch your breath for a minimum of 20 breaths. This will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system to help you relax, while also strengthening the limbic system, which is vital for emotional regulation. 
  5. Now I want you to begin to recite the mantra for love. The mantra is, “I welcome love into my life”. Recite this mantra slowly, again and again, while continuing to focus on your breathing. 
  6. Inevitably, while doing this meditation for love, you will experience certain negative thoughts and feelings, and perhaps memories associated with relationships. Some of them might be painful, as the thought of your ex breaking up with you. When you observe a thought or feeling, imagine taking a step back from it. Now calmly observe the thought or feeling. Tell yourself, “This is just a thought or feeling. It is not real. I am here now. And I am welcoming love into my life.” 
  7. Continue to meditate in this fashion for a minimum of twenty minutes. It is quite normal to experience some emotions during this meditation. Love is a double-edged sword that is as beautiful as it is painful. No doubt you have been burned and you may think of memories to do with old lovers. That’s completely fine. Simply observe the memories, let them pass, and continue to meditate. 
  8. At the end of your meditation session, say to yourself, “I am ready to receive love from the universe. 
  9. This is my favorite meditation for love. However, there are other methods too so let’s take a look at those. 
